Letter to the editor

The following is a letter from Jim Bailey, Chair of the North York Moors National Park Authority, in response to the Comment piece ‘Moors chiefs must set exemplary standards’, published in the Yorkshire Post on 19 June.

To the Editor,

As a public body, the North York Moors National Park Authority has a duty to seek best value for the public's money (Comment, June 19). I think your editor's view that efficiency and value for money equates to cheap and cheerful is ill-judged. Indeed, if the Authority did not strive to deliver efficient public services and good value, your paper would be the first to point the finger, and rightly so.

Later this year, the Authority Members will face an important decision upon how we ensure an office environment that’s fit for purpose to deliver public services effectively for the future. That choice will be between investing in our current premises or moving to a new building that supports our ambitions and values to be inclusive, net zero and an employer of choice, and, in that, the best future for our listed building will be taken into account.

Jim Bailey, Chair, North York Moors National Park Authority

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