Coastal Parish Forum

The next meeting of the Coastal Area Parish Forum will be held on Thursday, 31 October 2024 at 7pm at Loftus Town Hall.  Download the location map.

Access:  Access to the building is via ramps and a lift there is a disabled toilet. Car parking is in a public car park located across the road from the venue.

Draft notes of the meeting held on 16 May 2024

  1. Welcome – Briony Fox welcomed everyone to the meeting.
  2. Apologies
  3. Notes of the Meeting Held on 6 November 2023 were agreed.
  4. Concrete Coast Project – Julian Blumenroeder gave an illustrated presentation on the Project. For further information please visit the Concrete Coast Project webpage or contact Julian by email at:
  5. Design Code - Paul Fellows gave an illustrated talk on the consultation on the Design Code details of which will be sent to Parish Councils for their views on how the Design Code will look and function, as this will be used in considering planning applications and hoped that this will not stifle design and be too prescriptive. The consultation will be on the website with video clips about villages on YouTube to give ideas and show the uniqueness of each village. Explore the Design Code webpage for more information. 
  6. Housing and National Policy – second home and holiday lets. Paul Fellows indicated that the Authority is considering the government announcement to bring holiday lets into the planning system. However, change of use is permitted development so the implementation of Article 4 directions is the only solution. It will take several years before this takes effect which may be too late for some villages. North Yorkshire Council are introducing an increase in the council tax on holiday lets and second homes. A discussion on the lack of housing affecting school closures, older people occupying family sized properties and the shortage of available land for affordable housing. Encourage any landowners with land that could be classed as an exception site for affordable housing to speak to the National Park. Paul Fellows also offered to visit any parish councils who wish to discuss any of these issues.
  7. S106 Funding – Briony Fox explained that s106 funding is attached to the Boulby and Woodsmith mines to compensate and mitigate for the harm these developments make on the special qualities of the National Park. There are certain criteria that have to be applied to the use of these funds but can include enhancements to access routes (not maintenance), grant schemes for boundaries, archaeological, tourism, historic buildings. Please contact the National Park to discuss any ideas that parishes may have for advice to see if grants may be available. We can also advise if any potential projects could get funding from other sources. It was confirmed that the figures associated with the Boulby s106 tourism funding is £200k pa for the first 5 years and £194k pa after that.
  8. Effect of visitor numbers on conserving the environment and archaeology – Briony Fox explained that it is a balance which was particularly challenging during the pandemic. The National Park took a proactive approach and directed people to less popular areas to minimise impact with messaging and education to protect sensitive areas. On balance visitors do not do much damage but are encouraged to use established rights of way and not stray off paths.
  9. Update on National Park Authority Business – a printed handout was available to attendees.
  10. Suggestions for new items for future meetings: Peat Restoration (Ed March-Shawcross), Coast to Coast National Trail update, Birds on the Edge
  11. 11. To request for the contact details for the Moorland Association head to their webpage or contact who can forward any enquiries.

    Date, time and place of next meetings: Joint Parish Forum 16 July 2024 at Land of Iron Museum – pre bookings only; Thursday, 31 October 2024 at 7.00 pm Loftus Town Hall

The following parishes make up the Coastal Area Parish Forum.

Broxa cum Troutsdale
Darncombe cum Langdale End
East and West Barnby*
Fylingdales Moor
Harwood Dale
Hawsker cum Stainsacre
Mickleby Group (includes *)
Newby and Scalby
Newholm cum Dunsley
Skelton and Brotton
Suffield cum Everley

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