Benefit your mental health in the North York Moors

Three free things you can do in the North York Moors to benefit your mental health

Did you know being outside in nature can improve our mental health? During Mental Health Awareness Week, we’re giving you three free things you can do in the North York Moors that can benefit your mental health.

1.    Take a walk in a local green space

We all know walking can benefit our physical health, but it can be a huge benefit to your mental health too! Just a ten-minute walk has the ability to increase your mental alertness, energy and all-over positive mood.

Participation in regular outdoor walking activity can reduce stress levels and anxiety, whilst helping you to feel reconnected with yourselves and the nature around you. We have lots of free supportive guided walks happening in the North York Moors or browse our downloadable walking routes to take a stroll in your own time.

Walking in Broxa by Dependable ProductionsStepping stones at Lealholm Credit VisitBritain/Gary Walsh

2.    Get out into nature

Being in nature has the incredible ability to decrease anxiety levels and feelings of anger. Whether you sit in your garden or take a trip to your favourite spot in the North York Moors, access to any kind of green space has been linked to improving concentration and attention.

Being in nature also allows you to be social and come together with friends and family, which can be a huge benefit to your overall mental positivity. Additionally, you may find that you sleep better when you have been out into nature. Exposure to natural light helps regulate sleep/wake cycles. By making sure that you get outside in sunlight when you can, you can improve your ability to sleep at night.

Yoga & Spice Credit Dependable Productions

3.    Try out forest bathing (it isn't what you may think...)

You might think, what is forest bathing?! Well, it is a Japanese process of relaxation, and can be done in any forest within the North York Moors. Forest bathing is a simple practice of being calm and quiet amongst the trees and observing nature around you whilst breathing deeply. This relaxing practice is known to boost health and well-being in a natural way and can be beneficial to both adults and children.

Head to Dalby Forest, Garbutt Wood, Cropton Forest, Guisborough Woods or your local wooded area to try out forest bathing in your own company. Slow down, clear your mind and immerse yourself in the wonderful nature around you. The North York Moors is a place to connect with yourself, the land and others. We are on a mission to create a place people feel welcomed, nurtured and inspired.

Join us during Mental Health Awareness week to relax, de-stress and reconnect with the beautiful nature and wildlife that lies in the National Park.

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