Ranger service

The Rangers of the North York Moors play a key role in linking the local community, visitors and the National Park Authority.

Their primary role is to facilitate the enjoyment of the National Park through improved access, while also working with local communities and landowners to alleviate any concerns or potential impacts caused by visitors.

The National Park Authority is responsible for more than 2,300km of Rights of Way in the North York Moors. When a problem on one of them is reported, the Ranger Service has discretion to prioritise works according to the importance of the route and the nature of the work. Rights of Way promoted by the National Park Authority or important to a community will take precedence. The Ranger Service will follow up reports of damaged gates or stiles, and in some cases will replace or repair such items. However, the maintenance of any gate or stile across a Right of Way remains the responsibility of the landowner.

To help with the management of the National Park and its Rights of Way, Rangers work across defined areas as follows:
Ranger areas
North area
Area Manager - Naomi Green
Area Ranger - Bill Ashton-Wickett
Area Ranger - Beth Ghest

South area:
Area Manager - Ben Jackson
Area Ranger  - Ellie Corbett
Area Ranger - Gerard Marshall

Our Rangers are also involved with:
  • Working with local communities, landowners and interest groups on projects that help fulfil the National Park Authority's purposes
  • Working to prevent rural crime, including raptor persecution and illegal off-roading
  • Working to help prevent anti-social behaviour, including litter, dog fouling and fly-camping
  • Carrying out practical conservation work
  • Working with National Park volunteers on a wide variety of practical tasks
  • Working with the National Park's Countryside Worker Apprentices as they complete their training
  • Helping to care for property owned by the National Park Authority, including the National Park Centres at Danby and Sutton Bank, Levisham Estate, Cawthorn Roman Camps and various carparks.
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