Nature Recovery Hub

Welcome to our Nature Recovery Hub

We are working to create a more resilient landscape at the forefront of addressing climate change and nature recovery - a landscape rich in nature and more biodiverse.

But this work isn't possible without you - whether you're a land owner, farmer, business or community group.

Explore these pages to discover a range of resources, from funded grants to practical advice, on supporting nature recovery in the North York Moors National Park.

Man holding an small oak sapling. Credit Charlie Fox.


Explore what we hope to achieve on nature recovery, why it is important and how you can help.

Support nature recovery

We’re working alongside farmers and landowners to create wilder and more natural spaces for birds and other wildlife to thrive.

View our plans for nature recovery
Increasing biodiversity

Increasing biodiversity

Restoring habitats

Restoring habitats

Connecting habitats

Connecting habitats

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