Hedgerow removal

As hedges are such an important part of the landscape of the North York Moors, the National Park Authority encourages the retention and sympathetic management of all hedgerows.

Under the Hedgerow Regulations, which came into force on 1 June 1997, anyone wishing to remove a hedge (in the National Park) that is covered by the Regulations must notify the National Park Authority by completing a Hedgerow Removal Notice.

Please note: only those hedgerows which are 'important' within the terms of the regulations can be protected by the Hedgerow Regulations.

How to notify the Authority

You should fully complete a Hedgerow Removal Notice form and return it, together with a map clearly showing the sections of hedgerow that you wish to remove.

Please send it to Rachel Pickering at the North York Moors National Park Authority, The Old Vicarage, Bondgate, Helmsley, York, YO62 5BP.

What happens next?

The Authority has 42 days to respond commencing from the date that the completed Hedgerow Removal Notice is received at the National Park Authority offices.

Useful links and information to download

Outline of the Hedgerow Regulations (pdf)

Further guidance on applying for Hedgerow Removal Notices (pdf)

Hedgerow Removal Notice - application form (pdf)

Online form - available on the National Planning Portal website

Recent and Current Applications

You can look for Hedgerow Removal Notices and decisions within the North York Moors National Park by going onto our Planning Explorer and follow the instructions provided. To see only Hedgerow Removal Notices search on %/HRN in the Search by Application Number box.

Please note that this only works for Notices received after January 2019.


Rachel Pickering, Natural Environment Team Leader
Tel:01439 772700