Policy and Plans

Applications for planning permission are primarily considered against policies set out in the 'development plan' for the North York Moors National Park. This is made up of any formal planning documents that have been through a period of consultation and testing, and have been subsequently formally adopted by the National Park Authority.

The North York Moors National Park's development plan currently comprises the Local Plan 2020, the Whitby Business Park Area Action Plan, the Helmsley Plan and the Minerals and Waste Joint Plan.

If you would like to be kept in touch about development of our planning policies please email us at policy@northyorkmoors.org.uk

New Design Code

We're creating a new Design Code for the National Park and need your views on what should be in it, and what you value about our built environment.

Have your say by exploring our Design Code webpage

New Design Code

We're creating a new Design Code for the National Park and need your views on what should be in it, and what you value about our built environment.

Have your say on the Design Code

Landscape Character Assessment 2021

The North York Moors Landscape Character Assessment 2021 - this updates an original Landscape Character Assessment from 2003.

Landscape Character Assessment 2021
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