What do you think makes our
villages special?

“Adults who live in areas of higher concentrations of historic environment are likely to have a stronger sense of place” - Historic Environment and Sense of Place, Historic England (2009)

We can only improve design if we really understand our places and know what we collectively value.

To help us do this, we have created what we are calling 'in a nutshell' profiles and short (one minute) films for Helmsley and all our 104 villages. Within the profiles, we tried to identify the aspects of design that create a ‘sense of place’ and are asking you to think about places in the same way.

We are inviting you to look around a village and tell us what you like about the area, and what you notice. What are the 'design cues' which make a place distinctive? What is good design within the context your local area?

You can tell us, either by commenting on the videos and profiles via social media or you can use the form below - select the village you want to tell us about using the drop-down menu.

To read the profiles and watch the videos, please follow the below links - the villages have been alphabetised.

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