Other plans

Minerals and Waste Joint Plan

The National Park Authority formally adopted a new Minerals and Waste Joint Plan on 21 March 2022.

Whitby Business Park Area Action Plan (2014)

Responsibility for planning at Whitby Business Park lies with both Scarborough Borough Council and the National Park Authority as the National Park boundary runs through the site. In order to provide a consistent and long term plan for the site, a Joint Area Action Plan has been adopted by the two authorities.

The Plan sets out how the Business Park will be developed over the period to 2026. It includes proposals to improve and expand the existing site to accommodate new businesses and sets out highway, infrastructure and environmental improvements. The area covered is the existing built up area of the Business Park together with the land allocated for expansion and the area falls within the Local Planning Authority areas of both Scarborough Borough Council and the National Park Authority.

The Area Action Plan was formally adopted by both Authorities in November 2014. Regulation 10A of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (as amended) now requires that Local Authorities review their local plans at least every five years from adoption to ensure policies remain relevant and effective. A review of whether the Area Action Plan remained up to date was carried out by both Authorities in the Autumn of 2019, the conclusion of which was that it remained fit for purpose. Details of that review can be found in a report to Planning Committee dated 17 October 2019.

Whitby Business Park Area Action Plan - Adopted Version November 2014

Whitby Business Park Design Brief

Sustainability Statement

Adoption Statement 

Helmsley Plan (2015)

The town of Helmsley is split between the Local Planning Authorities of Ryedale District Council and the North York Moors National Park Authority. The two authorities have jointly prepared the Helmsley Plan, which allocates sufficient land to meet both the housing and employment requirements for the town up to 2027. It also contains a suite of policies to guide various forms of development and to manage change at the town.

The Helmsley Plan has been assessed by an Independent Inspector who concluded that the Helmsley Plan satisfies the requirements of Section 20(5) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended) and meets the criteria for soundness in the National Planning Policy Framework.

Inspector's Report

The Helmsley Plan was formally adopted by the North York Moors National Park Authority on 23 July 2015. It was reviewed in 2022.

Adopted Helmsley Plan 

Sustainability Statement 

Adoption Statement

The Ingleby Arncliffe Neighbourhood Plan (2021)

The Parish of Ingleby Arncliffe have produced a Neighbourhood Plan for that Parish. Only a very small area (The Blue Bell Inn, two cottages and the modern farm buildings/grain store associated with Arncliffe Farm) is located within the National Park, the remainder being within the Hambleton District Council Local Planning Authority area.

Following independent examination the Parish voted 'yes' to wanting the Plan to be used for decision making on planning applications. Accordingly the Authority formally adopted the Plan as part of its Development Plan on 2 December 2021.

The Plan and more details on its preparation are on Hambleton District Council's website here:

Ingleby Arncliffe Neighbourhood Plan

Useful links and downloads

Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities website

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