Andrew Pentland

From his first exposure to studio pottery Andrew was inspired by the work of Bernard Leach and his circle of friends. Andrew likes clean  lines and simple forms, and his pots are designed for domestic spaces that share both aesthetic and functional elements, exploring traditional values and contemporary aesthetics.

His making process aims to balance his enthusiasm for new investigations into form, shape, and volume; along with the self-sharpening discipline of small batch repetition throwing. This allows some continuity and familiarity within the domestic ware for the user,  whilst looking for life in each piece and steering away from the  coldness of absolute mechanical replication.

Andrew is drawn to oriental glazes and has developed his own glazes that can be varied with the amount of natural iron added resulting in light blue, to green glazed surfaces of the white glaze used which he feels compliments the stoneware clay. He fires the pieces in a wood kiln, in a reduction atmosphere, which accentuates the iron particles in the body of the clay which allows flames to pass through the kiln leaving evidence of their journey as ash and flame leave individual flashing of colour to each piece.

Andrew Pentland

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